Congratulations to Haiyan Wang!

2023/04/17 Haiyan Wang passed his dissertation defense “Perceiving and Understanding Scenes with Deep Learning” and was awarded his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering! Congratulations!! He thanks his supervisor, Prof. Yingli Tian, for her great support, and his committee members: Prof. Jie Wei, Prof. Zhigang Zhu, Prof. Ioannis Stamos, Prof. Myung J. Lee, and Dr. Dong…

One paper has been accepted by TPAMI 2022!

One paper has been accepted by TPAMI 2022!: E. Vahdani and Y. Tian, Deep Learning-based Action Detection in Untrimmed Videos: A Survey, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Accepted, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2022.3193611…

Congratulations to Jingya Liu!

2022/07/27 Jingya Liu just passes her dissertation defense “AI-driven Automated Medical Imaging Analysis ” and gets the Ph.D. degree of Electrical Engineering. Congratulations to her! She also thanks to the great support from her supervisor, Prof. Yingli Tian, and the committee members: Prof. Jie Wei, Prof. Liangliang Cao, Prof. Oguz Akin, and Prof. Jizhong Xiao!…

Congratulations to Longlong Jing!

2021/03/25 Longlong Jing just passes his dissertation defense “Self-supervised Feature Learning ” and gets the Ph.D. degree of Computer Science. Congratulations to him! He also thanks to the great support from his supervisor, Prof. Yingli Tian, and the committee members: Prof. Loannis Stamos, Prof. Zhigang Zhu, and Dr.Charles Qi!…

Two papers have been accepted by CVPR 2021!

Two papers have been accepted by CVPR 2021: L. Jing, E. Vahdani, J. Tan, and Y. Tian, Cross-modal Center Loss, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021. H. Wang, J. Pang, M. A. Lodhi, Y. Tian, and D. Tian, FESTA: Flow Estimation via Spatial-Temporal Attention for Scene Point Cloud, IEEE Conference on…

Two papers have been accepted by TPAMI 2020!

2020/09/14 Two paper have been accepted by TPAMI 2020: X. Rong, C. Yi, and Y. Tian, Unambiguous Text Localization, Retrieval, and Recognition for Cluttered Scenes, Accepted, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2020.3018491. L. Jing and Y. Tian, Self-supervised Visual Feature Learning with Deep Neural Networks: A Survey, Accepted, IEEE Transactions…

Congratulations to Xuejian Rong!

2019/11/22 Xuejian Rong just passes his dissertation defense “Deep Features for Context-Aware Scene Text Image Enhancement and Interpretation” and gets the Ph.D. degree of Electrical Engneering. Congratulations to him! He also thanks to the great support from his supervisor, Prof. Yingli Tian, and the committee members: Prof. Loannis Stamos, Prof. Zhigang Zhu, Prof. Jizhong Xiao and…

Our paper has been accepted by BMVC 2019

2019/07/13 Our paper has been accepted by BMVC 2019: H. Wang, X. Rong, L. Yang, S. Wang, and Y. Tian, Towards Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation in 3D Graph-Structured Point Clouds of Wild Scenes, The British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC, oral), 2019…

One paper has been accepted by TIP 2019

Our paper has been accepted by TIP 2019, L. Jing*, Y. Chen*, and Y.Tian (* indicates equal contributions), Coarse-to-fine Semantic Segmentation from Image-level Labels, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Accepted 2019. DOI:10.1109/TIP.2019.2926748…

Our paper has been accepted by MICCAI 2019

2019/06/19 Our paper has been accepted by MICCAI 2019: J. Liu, L. Cao, O. Akin, and Y. Tian, 3DFPN-HS2: 3D Feature Pyramid Network Based High Sensitivity and Specificity Pulmonary Nodule Detection, International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2019…