Our paper on image classification accepted by T-NNLS

Nov 15, 2014           Shizhi Chen, Xiaodong Yang, and YingLi Tian. Discriminative Hierarchical K-Means Tree for Large-Scale Image Classification. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. Congratulations to Shizhi and Xiaodong! [Top journals in machine learning & pattern recognition]…

Our paper on remote sensing accepted by T-GARS

Aug 14 2014 Shizhi Chen and YingLi Tian. Pyramid of Spatial Relatons for Remotely Sensed Land Use Classification. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Congratulations to Shizhi! [Top journals in geosciences]…

Media Lab Paper to Appear in ECCV ’14

Jun 16, 2014 Xiaodong Yang and YingLi Tian. Action Recognition Using Super Sparse Coding Vector with Spatio-Temporal Awareness. Congratulations to Xiaodong! [Top Conferences in computer vision]…

Media Lab Paper to Appear in CVPR ’14

Mar 5, 2014 Xiaodong Yang and YingLi Tian. Super Normal Vector for Activity Analysis Using Depth Sequences. Congratulations to Xiaodong! [Top Conferences in computer vision]…

Congratulations to Dr. Yi !

Apr 11, 2014 Chucai just passes his dissertation defense and gets the Ph.D. degree of Computer Science. Congratulations to him! He also thanks the help from his supervisor, Prof. Yingli Tian, and the committee members: Prof. Andrew Rosenberg, Prof. Zhigang Zhu, Prof. Fred Moshery and Dr. Liangliang Cao! Here’s what we think now 😀 (via…

Our paper on scene text recognition accepted by T-IP

Apr 5-2014 Chucai Yi and Yingli Tian. Scene Text Recognition in Mobile Applications by Character Descriptor and Structure Configuration. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2014. Congratulations to Chucai! [Top journals in multimedia]…

Video text recognition paper accepted by ICME ’14

Mar 22, 2014 Xuejian Rong, Chucai Yi, Xiaodong Yang and Yingli Tian. Scene Text Recognition in Multiple Frames based on Text Tracking. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), 2014. Congratulations to everyone! [Top conferences in multimedia]…

Our paper on clothing pattern recognition accepted by T-HMS

Dec 28, 2013 X. Yang, S. Yuan, and Y. Tian. Assistive Clothing Pattern Recognition for Visually Impaired People. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. Congratulations to Xiaodong and Shuai! [Top journals in hardware & architecture]…


Our joint group (CCNY-SRI) participates the Surveillance Event Detection (SED) task in TRECVID 2013. Chenyang Zhang, Xiaodong Yang, and Chucai Yi will go for TRECVID Workshop at Gaithersburg, MD next Tuesday(Nov 19)…

New Website for Media Lab

Oct 18, 2013 We’ve just deployed this new website to replace the previous one. Hope you will enjoy it! You can also visit our previous website here…