@article{Kosmidou_lccsghc_2014, author = {Kosmidou, V. and Petrou, Z. I. and Bunce, R. G. H. and M\"{u}cher, C. A. and Jongman, R. H. G. and Bogers, M. M. and Lucas, R. M. and Tomaselli, V and Blonda, P. and Padoa-Schioppa, E. and Manakos, I. and Petrou, M.}, title = {{Harmonization of the Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) with the General Habitat Categories (GHC) classification system}}, journal = {Ecological Indicators}, year = {2014}, volume = {53}, pages = {290--300}, doi = {10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.07.025}, month = {Jan.} }